Disc Brakes
Jetmark Industries offers disc brakes that guarantee superior performance. Each disc provides these quality features: uniform hardness throughout the casting to insure long service life that resist scoring, exact parallel inner and outer surfaces mate the pads to the disc to reduce pad vibration, a super micro finish to avoid squealing and a heat dam that keeps heat out of the hub area. Established in 1999, Jetmark Industries is engaged in manufacturing aluminium textile pulley assembly, centre bim kit, cylinder head mini door, engine mounting, engine plate, gear steering pump steel, nozzle sleeve, pree chamber, pree chamber 1, steel bush 2, steel pulley and trunion shaft.
For further information contact:
Jetmark Industries
No. 2, New Nehru Nagar, Dhebar Road
South Atika, 80 Feet Road
Rajkot 360 002
Tel: 0281-236 2676, 553 7632
Telefax: 91-281-236 3105
Email: info@jetmarkindustries.com