Ecoair corrosion control spray
Cortec Corporation is a manufacturer of innovative, environmentally responsible VpCI and MCI corrosion control technologies for packaging, metalworking, construction, electronics, water treatment, oil & gas, and other industries. The company has introduced EcoAir spray can technology, a unique, compressed air-powered, water-based spray can products that are fast-acting, economical, dependable and safe to handle. They comprise an environmentally safe corrosion protection technology while eliminating waste disposal costs. This is for the first time that Cortec Corporation is providing spray cans powered by compressed air that are complete, bio-based replacement for expensive and hazardous chemical propellants. The revolutionary technology has a four-layer EcoPouch inserted into a can which is then pressurised. Finally, the EcoPouch is filled with the liquid. As the valve is depressed, the surrounding pressure expels the bags internal fluids until the product is used up. EcoAir line does not contain propellants, CFCs, or HCFCs that affect the atmosphere, the ozone layer, or the environment; they are formulated with biodegradable, nonpolluting ingredients and eliminate waste disposal cost. EcoAir products are able to spray in any direction.
For further information contact:
Cortec Corporation (India)
27, 2nd Cross, 10th Main Road, Indiranagar II Stage
Bengaluru 560 038
Tel: 080-4115 4741, Fax: 91-80-4115 4744
Email: pk.mathew@cortec-india.com