Accurate Steel Forgings (India) Ltd offers forging for transmission. These forging are extensively used in automotive transmission which include parts like yoke forging, shaft forging, crown gear forging, worm wheel, wheel hubs, shackle, spindles and propeller shaft. Mostly the material used are medium carbon and alloy steel which are then heat treated and fully machined to meet customer specification. The forgings are developed from ferrous as well as non-ferrous metals. These find applications in the segments of earthmoving, agriculture implements, locomotives, and construction equipment.
Contact: Accurate Steel Forgings (India) Ltd
DP No. 33, SIDCO Industrial Estate,
Thiruvallur District, Thirumzhisai, Chennai 600 124
Tel: 044-2681 1894, 2681 0715,
Mobile: 09840847854
Fax: 91-44-2681 0672
Email: info@asfindia.com, vinoth@asfindia.com