Safe Load Indicators
Cranesafe Technologies offers the state-of-the-art rated capacity indicator model Pinnacle.
Features include:
- Graphical touch screen display
- Boom length in metre with percentage
- Radius in metre
- Boom angle in degree
- Rated load In tonne
- Actual load in tonne
- Hour meter
Indications include:
- % bar (actual load to rated load)
- Over hoist - hook, boom
- Overload
- 90% approach
- % display of boom length
- Diagnostic features
For further information contact:
Cranesafe Technologies
Unit No. G7, B Wing, Udyog Bhavan 2
Plot No. K-3, Ambernath Indl Park
Additional MIDC, Ambernath (E) - 421 506
Mobile: 09820248680 / 9323030092