FBD Inflatable Gasket
Inflatable gasket functions like a cycle tube, when inflated, it seals the gap and ensures proper sealing. It is made up of transparent silicone rubber. These gaskets are inflated by 6-10 mm when 2-4 kg pressure is applied. Ami Polymer is pioneer in silicone inflatable gaskets for supply to renowned pharmaceutical manufacturers in India. The company has also successfully installed import substitute silicone inflatable gaskets for fluid bed processor for Pam/Glatt/GEA machines of different models. Quality and craftsmanship of its inflatable gaskets are at par with international standards and aesthetically look good. The company has European technology to manufacture these gaskets, which find application where gaps to be sealed which are uneven due to fabrication limitation such as in fluid bed dryer, sliding door autoclave, isolators, etc.For further information contact:Ami Polymer Pvt Ltd318 & 319, Mahesh Indl Estate, Opp Silver ParkMira Bhayander Road, Mira Road (E), Thane 401 104Tel: 022-2855 5107/631/914; Fax: +91-22-2855 5378Email: info@amipolymer.com Website: www.amipolymer.com