Filtration expert
A Physics Honours Graduate, Kanwal Deep Sahni, Joint Managing Director, Elofic Industries, has studied the international filter market closely, having over 35 years of experience in commercial operations and the marketing of filters, both in India and abroad. He has an in-depth understanding of the mechanics of filtration. Sahni has evolved and experimented with modern marketing strategies and methods with a thorough understanding of the filter market in India as well as abroad. He has participated in various exhibitions and is responsible for bagging orders from renowned customers worldwide. Apart from marketing, he looks after R&D, Finance, Customs Imports, Excise and Taxation.

Under his able guidance and management, the company has been able to clinch deals from most major vehicle manufacturing companies for supply of automobile filters. He is responsible for the export growth of the company. His knowledge, sincerity and dedication have resulted in new opportunities for the company.