Hitachi Koki to amplify its European acquisition in India
Hitachi Koki (Hitachi Group) intends to amplify its global acquisition of German competitor Metabo in the Indian market by introducing new products with cutting-edge technology. The company will retain the brand identity of Metabo and maintain a separate business vertical in India.

Speaking about the acquisition on the eve of 20th anniversary of Hitachi Koki India, Osami Maehara, President and Board of Director of Hitachi Koki Co Ltd, Japan, said, ?We have successfully completed the acquisition of Metabo, a long-established power tool manufacturer in Germany, which has strong brand awareness, mainly in the European market. We expect the synergy by utilising mutual supply of products, and sales and service network of each other. We believe that we will be able to improve our corporate value by creating synergy effect in an early stage.?