Puncture-proof tyres for severe-duty applications
Semi-solid industrial tyres and PU foam-filled tyres are puncture-proof tyres that help reduce total cost of ownership and cost per hour.<p></p><p> Tyres are the only connect between the vehicle and the terrain. Hence, ensuring that tyres are reliable, safe, performance worthy anytime and every time, is critical especially for severe-duty applications such as construction, industrial plant, mining, recycling, scrap handling etc. Besides, as tyres represent the highest operating cost after fuel, understanding tyre-related global best practices and emerging concepts is essential. </p><p>Described below are the contemporary puncture-proof tyres and technologies that reduce total cost of ownership (TCO) and cost per hour (CPH). </p><p> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Semi-solid industrial tyres </span><br />Developed specifically to address the problems of frequent punctures and fast wear encountered by industrial vehicles/equipment used in demanding service environments and difficult underfoot conditions.</p><p>These semi-solid tyres are airless thus puncture-proof, have an extra-deep tread for long, uninterrupted service, with specially designed sidewall apertures to provide shock absorption and ride comfort. </p><p>These are available in a range of patterns to suit various operating conditions and supplied as ready-to-fit tyre and wheel assemblies for easy replacement.</p><p>Semi-solid tyres are suitable for industrial equipment with a maximum operating speed of 25 km/hr, such as: aerial work platforms, backhoe loaders, skid-steer loaders, telehandlers and wheel loaders. </p><p> <span style="font-weight: bold;">PU foam-filled tyres </span> <br />Tyre filling is a process in which a pneumatic tyre is injected and pressurised with a special two-component urethane polymer in a precise proportion using a special metering pump. The polyurethane cures into a soft, resilient, and synthetic rubber core, replacing the air in the tyre. </p><p>The resultant filled tyre is thus rendered puncture-proof and maintains the required pressure throughout its service life. PU-filled tyres have a full footprint and are capable of carrying their rated load at all times. The soft core is designed to provide a ride similar to air filled pneumatic tyres.</p><p>These are suitable for vehicles with a maximum operating speed of 90 km/hr and industrial equipment for which semi-solid tyres are not available.</p><p>Typical applications are in access equipment, defence and paramilitary, port and harbour, open cast mining and quarrying, steel mills, and underground mining. Semi-solid tyres and PU-filled tyres offer the following long- term benefits:</p><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Zero tyre maintenance:</span> No punctures and elimination of periodic tyre pressure checks </p><p></p><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Lower operating costs:</span> Direct puncture costs and puncture-related costs such as machine downtime, operator idle time and operational delays are automatically eliminated. While semi-solid tyres cost about three times the price of pneumatic tyres, it is important to note that they are puncture-proof and their life is 4-5 times that of pneumatic tyres thus offer lower CPH.</p><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">User and equipment safety:</span> Semi-solid tyres/PU-filled tyres significantly improve occupational safety as there is no possibility of tyre blowout-related accidents.</p><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Maintenance of operational tempo:</span> The elimination of punctures allows sustained, continuous use of the equipment in any operating environment. Tyre damage does not cause delays or stoppages.</p><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Damage resistance and all-terrain utility:</span> Abrasion and cuts do not affect structural properties and stability of the tyre, thus offering a high degree of failure-resistance in severe service conditions. </p><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Stability: </span>The added weight augments balance and ballast properties. This provides stability when negotiating gradients and uneven terrain.</p><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Ease of installation:</span> Semi-solid tyres are supplied as ready-to-fit tyre and wheel assemblies. No special mounting equipment is required and the entire assembly can be hand-mounted in a few minutes.</p><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Inventory management:</span> Fewer replacements mean that costs associated with re-purchase, downtime, inventory and repair are significantly reduced.</p><p> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Ideation to implementation</span><br />Trident has developed application-specific, outcome-orientated products and solutions to assist machine owners and operators get the best out of their equipment in the most demanding conditions. The company's products are distributed in over 25 countries including the Americas, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia-Pacific.</p>