Sany India supporting partners in difficult times
Sany India has taken a slew of measures to help its partners sail through the pandemic with ease. The company helped all its 35 dealers steer through the challenging phase by implementing multiple initiatives to sustain and improve the cash flow for the dealer partners. This included an extension of credit period on all the receivables against supply of construction equipment and its spare parts, extended warranty support to customers and helping the dealers with salary support for more than 1,100 employees who were on the dealer pay role across India and South Asia during the pandemic. Sany’s timely financial support resulted in a three-pronged effect on their dealers who were able to sustain their business, retain their manpower, and bounce back with full force when markets reopened. This helped in mitigating the impact of the lockdown once the markets reopened.
Sany’s efforts in providing substantial financial support to dealers demonstrate its commitment to help the partners in difficult times/by putting values ahead of profit. Speaking on this, Deepak Garg, Managing Director, Sany India & South Asia said, “I feel we have channelised the financial robustness of our company in the right direction by helping our dealers in their times of need. Our judicious support has helped all our dealers combat this crisis without the fear of an imminent shutdown of their business. COVID has taught us that if we support each other during difficult times, we emerge as a stronger and a more committed workforce.” He further added, “At Sany India, we also ensured that pandemic does not affect our employees in any possible way.”
The company’s strong financial standing can be attributed to its long-term focus on localisation and R&D efforts coupled with the resolve to provide top class quality in each piece of equipment that it manufactures. The time during the lockdown was ingeniously utilised for strengthening its ties with customers and financiers, multiple trainings and development to upskill its workforce and fast tracking the development of new products and localisation initiatives.