Scheuerle builds largest side girder deck
The Multilift Group commissioned special vehicle manufacturer Scheuerle with the development of a side girder deck of unrivalled dimensions. For the transportation of increasingly larger generators and transformers, the world's biggest side girder deck offering a payload of up to 620 tonnes was designed and built within a very short time. The STB 1000 side girder deck offers several options for accommodating generators and transformers. In connection with the main beam, the load is placed on the top boom by means of brackets. It can carry generators, transformers as well as other loads up to weights of 620 t and is unrivalled anywhere in the world. It is compatible with the Scheuerle InterCombi series as well as the self-propelled modular vehicles (SPMT). Depending on requirements, these can be coupled together for up to 2 x 20 axle lines and in 2, 3, and 4-file line ups respectively. In addition, the deployed platform vehicle combinations can be equipped with 2 x 4-axle InterCombi power boosters in order to be able to reduce the number of towing and pushing vehicles required for uphill gradients, both in-plant and on public roads. Optionally, the drive for the total combination can also be achieved via the InterCombi power booster units so that the overall weight of the combination is reduced.