Showcasing priorities for the next couple of years
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Manish Mathur, CGM, Action Construction Equipment</span><br /> Growth has finally returned to the construction equipment industry. With the government's continuous focus on infrastructure and public spending, next couple of years may turn out to be golden era for the industry in terms of volume and growth. Except real estate, most of the segments like roads, mining, irrigation, ports etc have started doing well. In a couple of quarters when the impact of Smart City projects and affordable housing concepts start delivering, construction equipment industry will witness a further growth in push.<p></p><p> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Challenges</span><br />We, at ACE, having the widest range of products in our portfolio, constantly fight two significant challenges. Firstly, to maintain the demand-supply matrix in the permissible limit. Secondly, to be compatible in terms of technology in the increasing global exposure with more and more foreign players setting up their facilities in the country on the perennial question of when to expand and what to introduce, may haunt us throughout the year.</p><p> <span style="font-weight: bold;">A platform of opportunities</span><br />Excon provides us a big platform to interact with our customers and other manufacturers. It helps us understand the dynamics and direction in which the market is heading in terms of products and technologies. For ACE, it also provides an opportunity to communicate our focus and innovations with our customers.</p><p> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Key focus</span><br />Industry on the whole has started experiencing the positive trend immediately after the advent of current ruling dispensation. While at the last Excon, we were a bit skeptical regarding the growth of economy. However, now it seems that the industry is confident for substantial growth in the next couple of years. This sentiment will definitely reflect in the Excon 2017 and we may witness a lot of new products and technologies introduced during the course of this exhibition. I think the focus of every industry would be to meet the requirement of its customers towards sophistication, safety and on technology which can deliver both quality and quantity.</p><p> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Showcasing innovations</span><br />ACE's focus at Excon 2017 will be on showcasing our priorities for the next couple of years. We are eyeing at increasing our market share in the road construction equipment industry and we are also focusing on the opportunity of smart city projects and low cost housing offer to our tower cranes and placing boom range.</p><p> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Expectations galore</span><br />For ACE, this Excon may turn out to be inflexion point in our journey to establish ourselves as the leading supplier of road equipment in the country and also we may well be able to establish ourselves among the top three backhoe loader manufacturing companies in the next couple of years in India.</p>