Tamil Nadu CM to introduce third masterplan for Chennai by 2025
The Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority (CMDA) is currently creating the vision document for the Chennai Metropolitan Area's third masterplan (2026-2046) which covers an area of 1189 sq km.
The comprehensive plan intends to address issues like transportation and infrastructure in order to transform the city into a progressive inclusive and global metropolis.
According to P K Sekar Babu, Minister for CMDA Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin is scheduled to release the document by December 2025.
The minister also mentioned that North Chennai might be one of the 20-year master plans focal points. The CMDA intends to move on with the vision document in a participative manner encompassing comprehensive environmentally sustainable economically vibrant and inclusive development.
The document is intended to contribute to the creation of a cleaner greener and healthier city with an emphasis on smart and sustainable urban growth. A city master plan is a blueprint that directs a city's future growth and development. It includes zoning buildings municipal infrastructure transportation and social contexts among other things. The process of developing a master plan comprises analysis and ideas based on the region's specific characteristics.
To ensure an inclusive planning process the CMDA has placed QR code boards in public places throughout the city to collect feedback on the third masterplan and Chennai's future.
Residents can use the QR code technology to scan and respond to a series of 14 questions separated into categories such as housing quality of life recreation environment economy investment attractiveness and their vision of the city's future image.
Experts and citizens in urban planning have emphasized the need of incorporating varied stakeholder viewpoints and taking into account input from all inhabitants and social groups.
Initially, the CMDA hired a consultant to hold public meetings in all 29 zones of the Chennai Metropolitan Area however due to low attendance authorities were directed to engage with the public directly. As a result, officials have been arranging vision survey campaigns in various public spaces.