What AI can do for the CE industry
So, let us first know what is AI' Well, AI is an aggregative terms for describing when a machine mimics human cognitive function like problem-solving, pattern recognition and learning.
Construction has always been a risky business. This is because of the usage of heavy machinery, uneven terrain, constant activity and risk of human error, all which can results in danger and accidents at the jobsite. Despite the focus on health and safety and use of various technologies and methodologies, yet the danger always looms at the jobsite. Here, comes the importance of AI-incorporated equipment and machine learning that has the potential to increase not only safety at the construction site but efficiency as well.
What is propelling the growth of AI in CE industry?
The need to produce superior results, complete projects at a fast pace and curb the problem of shortage of skilled operators are some factors that are leading to the growth of the AI in the CE sector. In addition, the adoption of the drones, robots and autonomous vehicles in the construction sector is also clearly backing the growth of the AI in CE industry. These technologies are being adopted by the companies for mapping, aerial imaging, surveying construction sites and to automate the construction operations. This is developing myriad opportunities for the growth of the AI technology in the CE sector.
The benefits of AI for the Construction Equipment industry
Increasingly, companies are realising the benefits that AI-enabled machines can bring in for tackling not only health and safety issues but making work more efficient. Here are the benefits of AI for the CE industry...
That said, the incorporation of automation and AI is not easy on a large scale and there are lot of challenges associated with AI and the use of AI is limited to few applications only. However, change is gradually happening and the construction industry is gradually moving towards AI- enabled CE that can not only tackle fears around health and safety but boost productivity as well at the jobsite.
In a nutshell
Productivity, safety and uptime are crucial drivers in the CE industry, where machine downtime can cost more than $1 million per day. Hence, what can define the bright future of CE segment is the adoption of newer intelligent features and increased use of AI-enabled equipment. Well, gladly, the change is happening and the industry is realising as to what benefits AI can offer to the construction and CE industry as a whole.
Article courtesy: Mahindra Construction Equipment