Monitoring system
In case of burn in test of CDI, monitoring final output at spark gap is important to ensure CDI functioning throughout Burn in test duration. CDI under test is subjected to undergo complete cycle from idling to top RPM in cyclic mode throughout Burn in duration and system monitors its spark output at every simulated revolution of magneto. Monitoring system detects no spark or intermittent (misfire) spark condition as failure of CDI any time during test duration. This otherwise cannot be detected in visual testing. System offered by ASI can simultaneously test 100 CDI units at a time. System generates magneto equivalent signals and CDI is loaded with HT coil and Spark gap. CDI under test if qualifies burn in test is auto-marked to identify as good part at the end of burn in duration. Additional data logging is also provided for each batch which is available on USB port for further use.
For further information contact:
Unit 6, A+B, Bhau Industrial Estate, S.N.14 Mauje Nanded, Sinhagad Road Pune 411 041
Mobile: 09822052265, 09850900828
Website: www.asitestlab.com
For further information contact:
Unit 6, A+B, Bhau Industrial Estate, S.N.14 Mauje Nanded, Sinhagad Road Pune 411 041
Mobile: 09822052265, 09850900828
Website: www.asitestlab.com