Italian CE market remains stable in 2020
During the 12 months of 2020, 16,962 construction equipment have been sold in the Italian market, with a stable trend compared to 2019 (+0.2 per cent). More in detail, earth-moving machines sold were 16,251 (0 per cent), and 711 were road machines (+15 per cent). On the other hand, machines sold in 2020, fourth quarter alone were 6,914, up 13 per cent compared to fourth quarter 2019, completely erasing the January-September market losses
This data came from the last market survey conducted by Unacea - Italian construction equipment association - which presented the results during a press conference organised with CER - Centro Europa Ricerche.
“The Italian construction equipment market has been able to dynamically recover the stop imposed by the first lockdown in March, said Mirco Risi, President of Unacea. The market has shown that it can play a countercyclical role for the economy as a whole, along with all the construction sector. Now we expect a certain and stable process of defining the Recovery and resilience plan, in order to push forward the resilience in the current year.”
According to Stefano Fantacone, scientific director of CER, “Despite the general climate of uncertainty, the construction industry, along to the machinery sector, is benefiting from a new and useful trend of investments. We expect it will last in 2021, when GDP is forecast to start growing again, at a rate that we estimate around 4 per cent.”
“The industry is showing a strong resilience able to respond to the
current crisis and Unacea is strengthening its role as a discussion and information
platform,” said Luca Nutarelli, association’s secretary general. In fact,
in the coming weeks new forecasting tools will be available to our member
companies, able to guide programming and control activities."