K-Tec to exhibit earthmoving innovations at Conexpo 2020
1228ADT scraper featuring new telematics system attached to a Volvo A25G ADT: The K-Tec 1228ADT is an attractive choice for contractors with older or idle 25 to 35 ton ADTs in their fleet to transform into efficient and versatile scraper haulers. K-Tec is pioneering the first pull-pan scraper telematics system on the market. This technology allows for real-time K-Tec earthmoving jobsite performance information linked to the office via cloud software dashboard. The contractor will be able to view daily average cycle times and volume of material moved to provide confidence in the efficient K-Tec scraper fleet.
New EJB ejector box for Volvo A40 articulated dump truck: K-Tec?s innovative Ejector Body (EJB) has a payload capacity of 40 US Short Tons (36.3 tonnes) and fits on Volvo A40 and A45 ADTs. The EJB allows for trucks to safely eject loaded material in areas with reduced overhead clearance. The K-Tec EJB?s patent-pending, bolt-together design makes for affordable overseas shipments.
New concept scraper 1030 Model: A narrow 10? (3M), 30 cu yd (22 cu m) heaped capacity scraper featuring innovations such as a roller-push block, direct train hitch, and a curved ejector face, this new concept scraper from K-Tec is ready for contractor?s expert feedback.
New Earthmoving Support Tractor (EST) consists of a Case IH wheel tractor with a K-Tec Ox Block and a K-Tec Tricerabox. This combination is bringing a cost-effective solution to push assisting scrapers and maintaining jobsite productivity. The EST allows for smooth earthmoving operating efficiency. On the front of the EST, the K-Tec Ox Block is a pusher block designed for push-loading scrapers for maximum capacity and decreased time in the cut zone; which improves productivity. The K-Tec Tricerabox is a 14? wide box blade that is mounted to a three-point hitch. The Tricerabox has a hydraulically operated seven shank ripper for breaking up hard soil or aerating wet job sites.
1233 lead scraper featuring new skid shoes attached to Case Quadtrac Tractor: K-Tec?s 1233 pull-pan ejector scraper is a ruggedly versatile earthmover. The new skid shoe option allows for smooth finish grading applications, when paired with flat cutting edges and Trimble GPS technology.
1613FX land leveller with new road transport wheel option and flex chain design: K-Tec?s 16? (4.9 m) wide land leveller has 13 cu yd (10 cu m) drag capacity to help contractors score a perfect grade on construction haul roads. K-Tec?s new and easy road transport wheel option allows for legal road transportation between jobsites.
1243ADT scraper: When the job requires larger capacity with long haul roads, the K-Tec 1243ADT excels even in the toughest conditions. While proficient in self-loading, the standard roller push block on the back of the scraper is smoothly matched for push support loading for swift cycle times of the 43 cu yd (33 cu m) heaped capacity scraper.
New remote jobsite parts kit: K-Tec?s convenient kit for having all spare consumable parts onsite to support and maintain earthmoving fleet operations.
K-Tec will have hourly product demonstrations to cycle the scraper hydraulics as an in-booth education opportunity, along with a Virtual Reality (VR) experience for operator attendees to simulate the smooth scraper ride and machine controls.