Towards a ?controlled? future
In most cases, machine control technologies come as an add-on feature in an equipment. Whether customers are ready to invest in this add-on feature for their machines, is a question. There was a time, when people were speculative towards incorporating add-on features to their machines, due to various reasons. These were mainly due to lack of awareness about the technology, not sure about return on investment, additional cost incurred, and a general perception of these add-on features as luxury.
Things are changing gradually. People now compare various control technologies available in the market and are ready to incorporate these add-on features to their machines. There are also machines available with inbuilt features. With the construction and infrastructure sector has picked up, more mega projects are coming up and technologically advanced equipment with control and monitoring technologies are in demand. This emerging trend is definitely going to perk up the demand for machine control technologies in the coming years. Our Special Focus throws light on customers? changing perception on machine control technologies, new products and solutions offered by leading players in the market, and the market outlook for machine control technologies.
Maintenance and repair is of prime importance for equipment in terms of extending lifetime of the equipment and smooth execution of projects. Our report on Henkel Adhesive Technologies India elaborates on the company?s MRO activities and its plans to focus India as a hub for its various innovations for the emerging markets.