Vpci Shrink Film
Cortec Corrosion Solutions India offers Vapour Phase Corrosion Inhibitors (VpCI) shrink film that helps to preserve surfaces against the most powerful elements of nature by providing non-toxic, environmentally friendly protection with corrosion inhibitors that can replace conventional rust preventatives. Called Cortec MilCorr, the VpCI shrink film is a heavy-duty film, which provides top-notch universal protection to maintain the integrity of the film itself as well as the parts packaged within. The VpCIs vapourise and condense on all metal surfaces within the enclosed space, and diffuse to every area of the part; protecting its exterior as well as void spaces and recessed areas. The MilCorr VpCI shrink film offers complete product storage protection during domestic and overseas shipments.
For further information contact:
Cortec Corrosion Solutions India Pvt Ltd
# 648/H, Ground Floor, 1st Main road
Indiranagar 1st Stage, Bengaluru 560 038
Tel: 080-4115 4741,
Fax: 91-80-4115 4744
Email: contact@cortec-india.com, pk.mathew@cortec-india.com