We offer custom-designed products for all process requirements
Could you provide an overview of the types of switches manufactured and supplied by Bohmen?
Bohmen is an indigenous brand of position detecting devices, commonly referred to as limit switches. Starting in 1979, we today offer a wide range of switches covering various contact combinations, types of enclosures and actuating mechanisms. We also offer custom-designed products for all process requirements.
What sets Bohmen apart from other manufacturers and suppliers of switches in the market?
At Bohmen, we believe in consistent efforts to design, produce and supply products , that are easy to integrate within machine design, reliable to use, economical to procure and readily available when wanted across the globe. This thought is at the core of our manufacturing philosophy and makes our brand stand out amongst our peers.
What are the primary industries or sectors that Bohmen serves with its products?
To put it very simply, if its equipment for industry, you will find a need for one of our products. Core manufacturing sector with its various arms like construction, material handling,
Transportation, railways, textiles, diemoulds, metal manufacturing, dairy and food, elevators, boilers, panels, HVACs, packing, etc. are some who use the products we make.
What measures does Bohmen take to stay updated with technological advancements and industry standards in switch manufacturing?
We are partnering with some of the best brands in engineering raw materials so that we can utilise their expertise in improving our products and compete on the global platform. Our ISO 9002:2015 system auditors have guided us for the past 10 years to adopt some of the best industrial practices. We interact with the best test facilitators in India, to ensure our products comply with the most widely accepted standards like the CE mark.
Can you share any recent innovations or developments in switch technology that Bohmen has been involved in?
We have developed and deployed a very cost effective alternative to conventional metal limit switches, which helps low cost machine manufacturers to use reliable switchgear for their machines. It caters to the small manufacturing units across India, reducing their downtimes. Economy with performance is the resultant.
In what ways does Bohmen contribute to sustainability and environmental responsibility in its manufacturing processes?
We make use of recycled packaging paper for our in-house storage and handling of raw materials. Our pet project is to create a reusable box for delivering our products to our customers that can be economically returned to be reused, effectively reducing the use of carton boxes. We will be introducing that very soon.
Looking ahead, what are the key priorities or goals for Bohmen in the next few years?
We seek to establish Bohmen as a strong brand in the manufacturing sector. Our short term goal is to become visible to all our potential customers. In the medium term, we will present global products made in India, for India and the world.