Enyron Mist Cannon system is economical, effective and environment-friendly.
What are the major products that Excel Combine deals with?
Excel Combine is focused to provide innovative, high quality products related to solving environmental issues during material handling in various industries like cement, construction, mining and ports, etc. Our flagship product is Enyron Mist Cannon, which is a system that uses water mist for industrial dust control..
Our other products include Moby Dick Wheel Wash Systems for washing wheels of off- road vehicles before it goes on the roads from the site area and Interclean Equipment Wash Systems which can be used to wash heavy earthmoving equipment quickly and effectively..
Can you tell us a little more about the Mist Cannon?
The Mist Cannon is a system used to control industrial dust using water mist. It is especially useful to control dust particles which are small and fly in the air, which are also known as airborne dust or fugitive dust. It uses the principle that "efficient dust suppression can happen only when the size of water particle is comparable to the size of the dust particle..heavy earthmoving equipment
Airborne dust is a big problem for industries as the dust particles are small and do not settle on the ground easily. They fly with the wind to nearby residential areas and cause a lot of health and respiratory issues. They also cause problems for workers on site. The Mist Cannon addresses this issue..
How is Mist Cannon different from other water-based dust control systems?
Mist Cannon does not use any chemical for dust control, it uses only water mist. Unlike some fogger or misting systems, Mist Cannon does not use compressed air for creating the water mist and hence does not have a compressor. Mist Cannon also uses less water compared to traditional sprinkler systems which are not effective for dust control due to their huge particle size of water. Mist Cannon is portable and a standalone system. It can be carried from one area of operation to another easily unlike fixed systems. Also Mist Cannon is placed a little away from the dust generating source and hence there is no problem of frequent nozzle choking, etc..
Is this a proven technology?
Yes. Water mist is being used in certain Western countries for a long time now, to control dust..
Will the Mist Cannon work in Indian working conditions?
We took the scientific principle which is proven but we designed the Mist Cannon from the ground up to be perfect for Indian conditions. We have been selling these systems in India now since 2009 and have continuously improved the system. We have many successful installations in India and repeat orders from the customers which we consider proof enough for the successful working of the system..
What type of dust can the Mist Cannon be used for? Which industries can it be used for?
The beauty of the Mist Cannon is it doesn't depend on the material or the chemical properties of the dust particle. It depends only on the particle size. If water addition is not a problem, the Mist Cannon can be used effectively to control dust. In fact, amount of water addition can also be controlled using our FlexiMistTM and CentriNozTM systems..
Thus, you can see that applications of the Mist Cannon are not limited to one particular industry. It can be used in all places where material is being handled like ports, cement plants, mining, haul roads and crushers, etc..
What about sites which have no electricity or water supply?
We have designed a unique truck- mounted Mist Cannon which is a complete system with a tanker and DG on a truck. This means that the system is completely mobile and can be carried to the area of dust generation without bothering about water or electrical connectivity. These systems can also be carried to multiple sites..
What is the current status of pollution norms (with regard to dust control) in India? Has the impleme?ntation part really taken off?
There are many laws and norms regarding industrial dust control in India and as India is becoming more aware about the negative impacts of dust, norms are becoming stricter. .
Since dust control is not a direct production related activity and currently requires a lot of investment, not many companies are able to implement the systems effectively. But this is also changing as the companies are trying to become more socially responsible by being environment friendly and also with innovative methods which are economical and effective like the Mist Cannon being introduced in the market. We are sure that with the availability of the right solution at the right economic price point, the implementation part will also take off..
What are your future plans with these products?
We believe that dust control should not be expensive, as a result we will strive to provide our customers effective products at the most economical cost possible. We are continuously learning from our experiences and will introduce new models, products which will help our customers be more environment-friendly..