Fighting Fire with Innovation
As the coal mining industry continues its quest for enhanced safety measures and environmental consciousness, integrating fire resistant hydraulic fluids emerges as a pioneering solution with the potential to mitigate fire hazards and elevate operational security to unprecedented heights. The author explains the need for fire resistant hydraulic fluids and their importance within the coal mining industry.
Poised for growth
As coal mining activity escalates, the need for tipper trucks will rise.
Mining Needs a Leg-up
For India to achieve its full potential in the mining sector, policymakers need to give a leg-up in lifting the mining sector on a high growth path. Jayanta Roy elaborates on the mining industry scenario in India.
On a Positive Note
The 13th International Mining and Machinery Exhibition 2016 (IMME 2016) held during November 16-19 concluded with a positive note on a possible turnaround of Indian mining industry in the coming years. The 13th Global Mining Summit (GMS) 2016 also held concurrently with the IMME 2016.
Industry?s Take
In India, largely the coal produced is consumed locally, and not exported. Coal India is not able to reach their target of coal production. For higher production and for meeting the target, they need good machines.
Mining Growth
India is on track to overtake the US as the second-largest coal consumer after China this decade. India wants to more than double coal output to 1.5 billion tonne by 2020. The central government has already taken specific actions including e-auctions of coal blocks; 28 blocks are already allocated and more blocks to be e-auctioned soon.
Mining Potential
With the growing demand for increased output of coal and iron ore and other minerals, the demand for mining equipment and machinery is expected grow manifold.