SDLG revamps motor graders to boost visibility and efficiency
The new modern-looking cab provides easier entry and exit. Once inside, the larger glazed areas with thinner pillars and thinner silicone stripes help operators to complete tasks with greater safety, accuracy and productivity by significantly increasing their visibility.
The new front display improves visibility and, by following the movement of the pedestal, makes the gauges easier to read. In addition, it includes an articulation indictor to aid the operator. The new right dashboard also improves visibility down to the rear right wheel and to the right-hand side. It gives a clear overview of the buttons and makes them quicker and easier to access.
When servicing the machines, the new engine hood has a larger opening making it easier to reach all the components. The new hydraulic sight glass also helps technicians in carrying out effective regular maintenance checks.
The cab air filter is now positioned behind the right hand side window, increasing visibility. One of the filters can even be accessed from inside the cab.Improving durability and reliability, the graders now include a single large tilt cylinder on the moldboard instead of two small ones, as well as new upper and lower guide rails.
?Our SDLG motor graders are already proving popular on the market and these latest updates to their visibility, durability, ease of operation and maintenance are set to make them even more of a safe, reliable and productive choice,? said Henrik Sj?strand, Product Manager, SDLG.